First recordings of important composers presented by keyboard artist Lars David Kellner.
Title index:
Franz Liszt: new piano pieces
Ave Maria, S.504/1 (version of the Den-Haag manuscript)
Pange lingua, S. 183a
Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Weimar manuscript)
Choral, untitled (Weimar manuscript)
O Lamm Gottes, S. 504b/7 (different version „zu 2 Händen“)
O Traurigkeit, S. 504b/8 (neglected version)
Franz Liszt: new harmonium pieces
Veronica (early draft from Station VI from the Weimar Via Crucis manuscript, S. 669b)
Den Schutzengeln (Angelus), S. 672c/[i]
Franz Liszt: piano recordings from addenda of the Weimar manuscript "Via Crucis", S. 504a
Villa d’Este, 76 (neglected piece)
Lento (early draft of Station V)
Veronica (early draft of Station VI)
Franz Liszt: piano recordings on the historical Steinway #28054 from 1873
Am Grabe Richard Wagner’s, S. 202 (neglected early version)